Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Secret to Drawing More Traffic with Social Media 101

Have you noticed that a few of your social media posts draw more traffic than others? It probably came as a surprise to you every time it happened because you have no idea what made a particular post draw more followers than others. You'll be glad to know that you can make it happen with nearly every post you write when you know the secret. The secret to achieving more shares, likes and traffic is the words you use. For example, if you use words such as discount, deals and submit on Facebook, you will generate a better response. Each platform such as Linkedin, Google+, Twitter and Facebook has its own set of desirable and undesirable words. You can be given a list of words that work or words to avoid on for each social media platform. However, your main goal is to use persuasive words for your industry. as well. Your posts are written to inform and entertain; however, the ultimate goal is to sell your product or service. The words you choose should not only generate shares, likes and traffic but also persuade followers to at least examine your offer in more detail.

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